A gap

A picture sent to me by my colleague Alessandra and reflecting on the gender gap

4 Responses to “A gap”

  1. I agree, this is scandalous: WHY don’t they recruit pompomboys ?!!

    • I am sorry, Julien, I can’t find this funny in any way. And, if I may, humor does not serve the cause, with which I am sure you agree 100%.
      I found this mocking “coincidence” of the two fliers (“Dauphine au feminin” in tiny fonts and the announcement of the “pompom-girl” recruitment, four times bigger) close to each other, very serious and outraging. “Dauphine au feminin” really seems to have no reason to exist if the (ultimate?) aim of a girl studying in Dauphine still remains that of being a pretty “plus”, an ornament, watching the boys living the real stuff.
      The fact that there would probably be a beauty contest among all the poor girls that long to be a cheerleader casts an additional depressing shadow on an unfinished revolution, which has become folkloric and is deviously stepping backward.

      • I would argue that this was exactly Julien’s point! Namely that we would never see the parallel poster asking for pompom boys…

    • Guess Who's Back Says:

      I may be biased or narrow-minded, but here’s how I imagine the pompom-boys recruitment in the actual world: a bunch of funny boys walking around C103 caricaturing what they see as the most womanish moves like it was “mardi gras” and making everybody laugh. This would help filling the gap no more than women wearing pants.
      I believe that the disappearance of any kind of “pompom-person” recruitment would be a better way.
      And I’ll drop it here, I promise!

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