keep the werewolves at Bayes…


Following a light post by Rasmus Bååth on choosing a mascot for Bayesian statistics (even though the comments did not remain that light!), and suggesting puppies because of John Kruschke’s book, I commented that werewolves would be more appropriate! (Just to be perfectly clear, I do not think Bayesian analysis needs a mascot. And even object to the use of Reverend Bayes’ somewhat controversial picture.) To which Rasmus retaliated by sending me a customised cup with John Kruschke’s book‘s cover. Rising to the challenge, I designed my own cup by Googling a werewolf image and adding the text “keep the werewolves at Bayes… by sticking to your prior beliefs“. In retrospect, I should have instead used “to keep the werewolves at Bayes… run, little Markov chain, run!“. Maybe Definitely another cup in the making!

10 Responses to “keep the werewolves at Bayes…”

  1. I counter your Bayesian mug post with another mug post (+ an image of my cat):

    Thanks again for the mug :)

    • And the cat logically favours the werewolf. I am amazed at the collection of Bayesian mugs already available. And all of them turning to werewolves on full mean!

  2. A truly awsome mug that I believe will help with the most important task of the statistician: To strike fear in the heart of his collegues! (“Are you sure that your data agrees with the assumptions of the t-test? Perhaps a hierarchical Bayesian model would be more suitable? Oh it’s easy to code up in c++ . Or Fortran…”)

  3. Do you know/play the RPG game Werewolf: The Apocalypse?

  4. Dan Simpson Says:

    Wow. That comment thread. I never thought I’d see people calling each other names over measure theory! I do love the internet :p

    • wow indeed. it still remains a mystery as to why people get so intense on discussion forums. Do they truly think they could eventually convince the other party?

      • Dan Simpson Says:

        It’s part a problem of form. In text it’s difficult to fix bad word choice or a poorly executed argument, feedback isn’t always instantaneous, and it’s easy to accidentally give offence. There’s a nice bit in there where Mayo mentions that she hasn’t gotten the hang of the tone of twitter yet, which I think is universally true for people and blog comments. At best, you’re trying to hit a rapidly moving target.

      • Dan Simpson Says:

        Incidentally, I did have one relatively intense discussion on Gelman’s blog about cross validation (of all things), that was actually useful in helping me work out what I actually thought about it.

        But I have this weird thing where I really like finding out I was wrong about that sort of thing (or on the wrong track, or just a bit off or whatever). I’m deeply suspicious of the utility of ideas that are easy enough for me to understand completely.

      • “Do they truly think they could eventually convince the other party?”

        Of course not. I’m well aware 99% of academia is a sham/scam and there’s nothing I can do about it. It still sticks in my craw sometimes though.

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