books for review (in CHANCE)

Among the books I received for review in CHANCE, here are some neither I nor my “usual suspects” had enough time or interest in to review:

If you would like to review one of those books, send me an email.with some reference/bio and your mailing address. Be warned though that I will decide on a completely arbitrary way (a) on the chosen reviewers and (b) whether or not to publish a proposed review! (The reviewer keeps the book, as a rule.)

4 Responses to “books for review (in CHANCE)”

  1. N.B. Venkateswarlu Says:

    “Time series clustering and classification” This tittle matches with my interest and work. I love to share my review.

  2. Still, I think some could be pre-pre-screened!

  3. X
    I suggest you screen the books before assigning reviews. The occasional negative review of a bad book can be enlightening, but overall I think it’s a mistake to review tons of mediocre books! To put it another way, you should not let your book-reviewing decisions be made by the publishers who happen to send you books in the mail.

    • Right! Some in that list do not look too promising indeed and I will wait for the review to see if the book is a hidden gem, reviewers being warned that I could choose not to publish their review…

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