revenge of the pigeons

pigeonpooWhile I had not had kamikaze pigeons hitting my windows for quite a while…, it may be that one of them decided to move to biological warfare: when I came back from Edinburgh, my office at the University was in a terrible state as a bird had entered through a tiny window opening and wrecked havoc on the room, dropping folders and rocks from my shelves and… leaving a most specific proof of its visit. This bird was particularly attracted by and aggressive against the above book, Implementing Reproducible Research, standing on top of my books to review for CHANCE. Obvious disclaimer: this reflects neither my opinion nor the University opinion about the book contents, but only the bird’s, which is solely responsible for its action!

One Response to “revenge of the pigeons”

  1. I fully share the bird’s opinion. I write a paper in Sweave, and publish it, and three years later, nothing works any more. I first thought it was just me; but it seems to be a common problem.

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