Archive for French food

art brut

Posted in Kids, pictures with tags , , , , , , on February 5, 2020 by xi'an

Ivanoël! [jatp]

Posted in Kids, pictures, Travel with tags , , , , , , , on February 11, 2018 by xi'an

Initial, Caen [*]

Posted in Statistics with tags , , , , , , , on January 22, 2017 by xi'an

along the canal from Caen to Ouistreham, Oct 09, 2016In what may now become a family tradition, we sampled for the new year another Michelin starred restaurant in Caen, Normandy, called Initial, which is a small and unpretentious restaurant in one back-street, not far from my collège, Lycée Malherbes. And from Guillaume’s Abbaye aux Hommes.

The food itself was both elaborate and light, with fantastic presentations, like the millimetre thick crepe above. Absolutely stunning! Now, the lunch menu has very few degrees of freedom as the chef cooks according to the local products currently available. Which means the menu changes all the time. And also presumably to cater for local clients having only a lunch break from work: we stayed there for less than one and a half and most of the other customers did not stay that long. The service is very efficient and friendly, advising about (cheap) wines that fit the dishes. (Hence, I tasted an unknown Austrian wine!) And bringing plenty of side pre- and post-dishes as nibbles… This is all quite enjoyable, if not the ultimate culinary experience, and very affordable, since lunch at Initial cost much less than in a mediocre Paris restaurant!