Archive for maximum likelihood estimation

potato tomato [w/o ABC]

Posted in Books, pictures, Statistics with tags , , , , , , on July 8, 2022 by xi'an

“The default parameter of KaKs_Calculator was set to estimate the Ka/Ks values, which means that the Ka/Ks value was the average of the output from 15 available algorithms comprising 7 original approximate methods and one maximum likelihood method.”

In their analysis of the philogenic evolution of the potato species, the Nature authors resort to a multiple analysis (à la EJ!) in the above sense, by averaging several results. I remain puzzled by the approach that treats all methods on an equal basis, without trying to ascertain precision and bias by X validation or other tools. (Approximate Bayesian Computing was not used as one of the methods.)

individualised polychotomous logistic regression

Posted in Books, Statistics, University life with tags , , , , , on May 17, 2022 by xi'an

A recent submission to Biometrika made me read the 1984 Biometrika paper of Begg and Gray on the individualisation of polychotomous regression, namely the idea that when considering this model with T categories, the regression parameters could be estimated by considering only the pairs (0,i), 0 being the baseline category (with no parameter), since the (true) probability to be in category i conditional on being in either category 0 or category i is logistic with the same coefficient as in the polychotomous model. While I see no issue with this remark (contrary to the submission author), it is of course producing (much quicker) a different estimate of the polychotomous parameter, when compared with the full likelihood approach. Not only because it does not exploit the entire information contained in the data but also because it operates with a pseudo-likelihood.

likelihood inference with no MLE

Posted in Books, R, Statistics with tags , , , , on July 29, 2021 by xi'an

“In a regular full discrete exponential family, the MLE for the canonical parameter does not exist when the observed value of the canonical statistic lies on the boundary of its convex support.”

Daniel Eck and Charlie Geyer just published an interesting and intriguing paper on running efficient inference for discrete exponential families when the MLE does not exist.  As for instance in the case of a complete separation between 0’s and 1’s in a logistic regression model. Or more generally, when the estimated Fisher information matrix is singular. Not mentioning the Bayesian version, which remains a form of likelihood inference. The construction is based on a MLE that exists on an extended model, a notion which I had not heard previously. This model is defined as a limit of likelihood values

\lim_{n\to\infty} \ell(\theta_n|x) = \sup_\theta \ell(\theta|x) := h(x)

called the MLE distribution. Which remains a mystery to me, to some extent. Especially when this distribution is completely degenerate. Examples provided within the paper alas do not help, as they mostly serve as illustration for the associated rcdd R package. Intriguing, indeed!


training energy based models

Posted in Books, Statistics with tags , , , , , , , on April 7, 2021 by xi'an

This recent arXival by Song and Kingma covers different computational approaches to semi-parametric estimation, but also exposes imho the chasm existing between statistical and machine learning perspectives on the problem.

“Energy-based models are much less restrictive in functional form: instead of specifying a normalized probability, they only specify the unnormalized negative log-probability (…) Since the energy function does not need to integrate to one, it can be parameterized with any nonlinear regression function.”

The above in the introduction appears first as a strange argument, since the mass one constraint is the least of the problems when addressing non-parametric density estimation. Problems like the convergence, the speed of convergence, the computational cost and the overall integrability of the estimator. It seems however that the restriction or lack thereof is to be understood as the ability to use much more elaborate forms of densities, which are then black-boxes whose components have little relevance… When using such mega-over-parameterised representations of densities, such as neural networks and normalising flows, a statistical assessment leads to highly challenging questions. But convergence (in the sample size) does not appear to be a concern for the paper. (Except for a citation of Hyvärinen on p.5.)

Using MLE in this context appears to be questionable, though, since the base parameter θ is not unlikely to remain identifiable. Computing the MLE is therefore a minor issue, in this regard, a resolution based on simulated gradients being well-chartered from the earlier era of stochastic optimisation as in Robbins & Monro (1954), Duflo (1996) or Benveniste & al. (1990). (The log-gradient of the normalising constant being estimated by the opposite of the gradient of the energy at a random point.)

“Running MCMC till convergence to obtain a sample x∼p(x) can be computationally expensive.”

Contrastive divergence à la Hinton (2002) is presented as a solution to the convergence problem by stopping early, which seems reasonable given the random gradient is mostly noise. With a possible correction for bias à la Jacob & al. (missing the published version).

An alternative to MLE is the 2005 Hyvärinen score, notorious for bypassing the normalising constant. But blamed in the paper for being costly in the dimension d of the variate x, due to the second derivative matrix. Which can be avoided by using Stein’s unbiased estimator of the risk (yay!) if using randomized data. And surprisingly linked with contrastive divergence as well, if a Taylor expansion is good enough an approximation! An interesting byproduct of the discussion on score matching is to turn it into an unintended form of ABC!

“Many methods have been proposed to automatically tune the noise distribution, such as Adversarial Contrastive Estimation (Bose et al., 2018), Conditional NCE (Ceylan and Gutmann, 2018) and Flow Contrastive Estimation (Gao et al., 2020).”

A third approach is the noise contrastive estimation method of Gutmann & Hyvärinen (2010) that connects with both others. And is a precursor of GAN methods, mentioned at the end of the paper via a (sort of) variational inequality.

folded Normals

Posted in Books, Kids, pictures, R, Running, Statistics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 25, 2021 by xi'an

While having breakfast (after an early morn swim at the vintage La Butte aux Cailles pool, which let me in free!), I noticed a letter to the Editor in the Annals of Applied Statistics, which I was unaware existed. (The concept, not this specific letter!) The point of the letter was to indicate that finding the MLE for the mean and variance of a folded normal distribution was feasible without resorting to the EM algorithm. Since the folded normal distribution is a special case of mixture (with fixed weights), using EM is indeed quite natural, but the author, Iain MacDonald, remarked that an optimiser such as R nlm() could be called instead. The few lines of relevant R code were even included. While this is a correct if minor remark, I am a wee bit surprised at seeing it included in the journal, the more because the authors of the original paper using the EM approach were given the opportunity to respond, noticing EM is much faster than nlm in the cases they tested, and Iain MacDonald had a further rejoinder! The more because the Wikipedia page mentioned the use of optimisers much earlier (and pointed out at the R package Rfast as producing MLEs for the distribution).