Archive for ratio of uniform algorithm

independent random sampling methods [book review]

Posted in Books, Statistics, University life with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 16, 2018 by xi'an

Last week, I had the pleasant surprise to receive a copy of this book in the mail. Book that I was not aware had been written or published (meaning that I was not involved in its review!). The three authors, Luca Martino, David Luengo, and Joaquín Míguez, of Independent Random Sampling Methods are from Madrid universities and I have read (and posted on) several of their papers on (population) Monte Carlo simulation in the recent years. Including Luca’s survey of multiple try MCMC which was helpful in writing our WIREs own survey.

The book is a pedagogical coverage of most algorithms used to simulate independent samples from a given distribution, which of course recoups some of the techniques exposed with more details by [another] Luc, namely Luc Devroye’s Non-uniform random variate generation bible, often mentioned here (and studied in uttermost details by a dedicated reading group in Warwick). It includes a whole chapter on accept-reject methods, with in particular a section on Payne-Dagpunar’s band rejection I had not seen previously. And another entire chapter on ratio-of-uniforms techniques. On which the three authors had proposed generalisations [covered by the book], years before I attempted to go the same way, having completely forgotten reading their paper at the time… Or the much earlier 1991 paper by Jon Wakefield, Alan Gelfand and Adrian Smith!

The book also covers the “vertical density representation”, due to Troutt (1991), which consists in considering the distribution of the density p(.) of the random variable X as a random variable, p(X). I remember pondering about this alternative to the cdf transform and giving up on it as the outcome has a distribution depending on p, even when the density is monotonous. Even though I am not certain from reading the section that this is particularly appealing…

Given its title, the book contains very little about MCMC. Except for a last and final chapter that covers adaptive independent Metropolis-Hastings algorithms, in connection with some of the authors’ recent work. Like multiple try Metropolis. Relating to the (unidimensional) ARMS “ancestor” of adaptive MCMC methods. (As noted in a recent blog on Holden et al., 2009 , I have trouble understanding how recycling only rejected proposed values to build a better proposal distribution is enough to guarantee convergence of an adaptive algorithm, but the book does not delve much into this convergence.)

All in all and with the bias induced by me working in the very area, I find the book quite a nice entry on the topic, which can be used in a Monte Carlo course at both undergraduate and graduate levels if one want to avoid going into Markov chains. It is certainly less likely to scare students away than the comprehensive Non-uniform random variate generation and on the opposite may induce some of them to pursue a research career in this domain.

MCM 2017 snapshots [#2]

Posted in Books, pictures, Running, Statistics, University life with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on July 7, 2017 by xi'an

On the second day of MCM 2017, Emmanuel Gobet (from Polytechnique) gave the morning plenary talk on regression Monte Carlo methods, where he presented several ways of estimating conditional means of rv’s in nested problems where conditioning involves other conditional expectations. While interested in such problems in connection with ABC, I could not see how the techniques developed therein could apply to said problems.

By some of random chance, I ended up attending a hard-core random generation session where the speakers were discussing discrepancies between GNU library generators [I could not understand the target of interest and using MCMC till convergence seemed prone to false positives!], and failed statistical tests of some 64-bit Mersenne Twisters, and low discrepancy on-line subsamples of Uniform samples. Most exciting of all, Josef Leydold gave a talk on ratio-of-uniforms, on which I spent some time a while ago  (till ending up reinventing the wheel!), with highly refined cuts of the original box.

My own 180 slides [for a 50mn talk] somewhat worried my chairman, Art Owen, who kindly enquired the day before at the likelihood I could go through all 184 of them!!! I had appended the ABC convergence slides to an earlier set of slides on ABC with random forests in case of questions about that aspect, although I did not plan to go through those slides [and I mostly covered the 64 other slides] As the talk was in fine more about an inference method than a genuine Monte Carlo technique, plus involved random forests that sounded unfamiliar to many, I did not get many questions from the audience but had several deep discussions with people after the talk. Incidentally, we have just reposted our paper on ABC estimation via random forests, updated the abcrf R package, and submitted it to Peer Community in Evolutionary Biology!

ratio-of-uniforms [-1]

Posted in Books, pictures, R, Statistics, University life with tags , , , on December 12, 2016 by xi'an

Luca Martino pointed out to me my own and forgotten review of a 2012 paper of his, “On the Generalized Ratio of Uniforms as a Combination of Transformed Rejection and Extended Inverse of Density Sampling” that obviously discusses a generalised version of Kinderman and Monahan’s (1977) ratio-of-uniform method. And further points out the earlier 1991 paper by Jon Wakefield, Alan Gelfand and Adrian Smith that contains the general form I rediscovered a few posts ago… Called the GRoU in Martino et al.. While the generalisation in the massive arXiv document is in finding Φ such that the above region is bounded and can be explored by uniform sampling over a box.

Neither reference mentions using the cdf transform, though, which does guarantee a bounded ratio-of-uniform set in u. (An apparent contradiction with Martino et al.  statement (34), unless I am confused. Maybe due to using Φ⁻¹ instead of Φ?) But I still wonder at the usefulness of my derivations those past weeks!

ratio-of-uniforms [#4]

Posted in Books, pictures, R, Statistics, University life with tags , , , , on December 2, 2016 by xi'an

Possibly the last post on random number generation by Kinderman and Monahan’s (1977) ratio-of-uniform method. After fiddling with the Gamma(a,1) distribution when a<1 for a while, I indeed figured out a way to produce a bounded set with this method: considering an arbitrary cdf Φ with corresponding pdf φ, the uniform distribution on the set Λ of (u,v)’s in R⁺xX such that


induces the distribution with density proportional to ƒ on φοΦ⁻¹(U)V. This set Λ has a boundary that is parameterised as

u=Φοƒ(x),  v=1/φοƒ(x), x∈Χ

which remains bounded in u since Φ is a cdf and in v if φ has fat enough tails. At both 0 and ∞. When ƒ is the Gamma(a,1) density this can be achieved if φ behaves like log(x)² near zero and like a inverse power at infinity. Without getting into all the gory details, closed form density φ and cdf Φ can be constructed for all a’s, as shown for a=½ by the boundaries in u and v (yellow) below

bundawhich leads to a bounded associated set Λ

ratgamp5At this stage, I remain uncertain of the relevance of such derivations, if only because the set A thus derived is ill-suited for uniform draws proposed on the enclosing square box. And also because a Gamma(a,1) simulation can rather simply be derived from a Gamma(a+1,1) simulation. But, who knows?!, there may be alternative usages of this representation, such as innovative slice samplers. Which means the ratio-of-uniform method may reappear on the ‘Og one of those days…

ratio-of-uniforms [#3]

Posted in Books, pictures, R, Statistics with tags , , , , , on November 4, 2016 by xi'an

Being still puzzled (!) by the ratio-of-uniform approach, mostly failing to catch its relevance for either standard distributions in a era when computing a cosine or an exponential is negligible, or non-standard distributions for which computing bounds and boundaries is out-of-reach, I kept searching for solutions that would include unbounded densities and still produce compact boxes, as this seems essential for accept-reject simulation if not for slice sampling. And after exploring some dead-ends (in tune with running in Venezia!), I came upon the case of the generalised logistic transform


which ensures that the [ratio-of-almost-uniform] set I defined in my slides last week

\mathfrak{H}=\left\{(u,v);\ 0\le u\le h(f(v/g(u))\right\}

is bounded in u. Since the transform g is the derivative of the inverse of h (!),


the parametrisation of the boundary of H is

u(x)=f(x)^a/(1+f(x)^a)\ v(x)=a^{-1}xf(x)^{(a-1)/a}(1+f(x)^a)^2

which means it remains bounded if (a) a≤1 [to ensure boundedness at infinity] and (b) the limit of v(x) at zero [where I assume the asymptote stands] is bounded. Meaning

\lim_{x\to 0} xf(x)^{2a+1/a-1}<\infty

Working a wee bit more on the problem led me to realise that resorting to an arbitrary cdf Φ instead of the logistic cdf could solve the problem for most distributions, including all Gammas! Indeed, the boundary of H is now

u(x)=\Phi(f(x))^a\ v(x)=a^{-1}xf(x)^{(a-1)/a}/\varphi(f(x))

which means it remains bounded if φ has very heavy tails, like 1/x². To handle the explosion when x=0. And an asymptote itself at zero, to handle the limit at infinity when f(x) goes to zero.