Archive for Simpson’s paradox

probably overthinking it [book review]

Posted in Books, Statistics, University life with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 13, 2023 by xi'an

Probably overthinking it, written by Allen B. Downey (who wrote a series of books starting with Think, like Think Python, Think Bayes, Think Stats), belongs to this numerous collection of introductory books that aim at making statistics more palatable and enticing to the general public by making the fundamental concepts more intuitive and building upon real life examples. I would thus stop short of calling it “essential guide” as in the first flap of the dust jacket, since there exist many published books with a similar goal, some of which were actually reviews here. Now, there are ideas and examples therein I could borrow for my introductory stats course, except that I will cease teaching it next year! For instance, there are lots of examples related to COVID, which is great to engage (enrage?) the readers.

The book is quite pleasant to read, does not shy from mathematical formulae, and covers notions such as probability distributions, the Simpson, the Preston, the inspection, the Berkson paradoxes, and even some words on causality, sometimes at excessive lengths. (I have always been an adept of the concise church when it comes to textbook examples and fear that the multiplication of illustrations of a given concept may prove counterproductive.) The early chapters are heavily focussed on the Gaussian (or Normal) distribution. Making it appear as essential for conducting statistical analysis. When it does not, as in the ELO example, the explanations of a correction are less convincing.

I appreciated the book approach to model fit via the comparison of empirical cdfs with hypothetical ones. Also of primary interest is the systematic recourse to simulation, aka generative models, albeit without a systematic proper description. In the chapter (Chap 5) about durations, I think there are missed opportunities like the distributions of extremes (p 82) or the forgetfulness property of the Exponential distribution. Instead the focus is slightly diverging towards non-statistical issues on demography by the end of the chapter, with a potential for confusion between the Gomperz law and the Gomperz distribution. The Berkson paradox (Chap 6) is well-explained in terms of non-random populations (and reminded me when, years ago, when we tried to predict the first year success probability of undergrad applicants from their high school maths grade, the regression coefficient estimate ended up negative). Distributions of extremes do appear in Chap 8, if again seeking an ideal generic distribution seems to me rather misguided and misguiding. I would also argue that the author is missing the point of Taleb’s black swans by arguing in favour of a better modelling, when the later argues against the very predictability of extreme events in a non-stationary financial world… The chapter on fairness and fallacy (Chap 9) is actually about false positive/negative rates in different populations hence the ensuing unfairness (or the base fallacy). In that chapter there is no mention of Bayes (reserved for Think Bayes?!), but it is hitting hard enough at anti-vaxers (who will most likely not read the book). And does it again in the Simpson paradox chapter (Chap 10), whose proliferation is further stressed the following chapter on people becoming less racist or sexist or homophobic when they age, despite the proportion of racist/sexist/homophobic responses to a specific survey (GSS/Pew) increasing with age. This is prolonged into the rather minor final chapter.

Now that I have read the book, during a balmy afternoon in St Kilda (after an early start in the train to De Gaulle airport in freezing temperatures), I am a bit uncertain at what to make of it in terms of impact on the general public. For sure, the stories that accumulate chapter after chapter are nice and well argued, while introducing useful statistical concepts, but I do not see readers equipped enough to handle daily statistics with more than an healthy dose of scepticism, which obviously is a first step in the right direction!

Some nitpicking : the book is missing the historical connection to Quetelet’s “average man” when referring to the notion. And a potential explanation for the (approximate) log-Gaussianity of weights of individuals in a population through the fact that it is a volume, hence a third power of a sort.  Although birth weights are roughly Normal which kill my argument. I remain puzzled by the title, possibly missing a cultural reference (as there are tee-shirts sold with this sentence). It is the same as the name of a blog run by the author since 2011 and a fodder for the book. And the cover is terrible, breaking the words to fit the width making no sense, if I am not overthinking it! As often the book is rather US centric, although making no mention of US having much higher infant death rates than countries with similar GDPs when this data is discussed.

[Disclaimer about potential self-plagiarism: this post or an edited version will eventually appear in my Books Review section in CHANCE.]

Colin Blyth (1922-2019)

Posted in Books, pictures, Statistics, University life with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 19, 2020 by xi'an

While reading the IMS Bulletin (of March 2020), I found out that Canadian statistician Colin Blyth had died last summer. While we had never met in person, I remember his very distinctive and elegant handwriting in a few letters he sent me, including the above I have kept (along with an handwritten letter from Lucien Le Cam!). It contains suggestions about revising our Is Pitman nearness a reasonable criterion?, written with Gene Hwang and William Strawderman and which took three years to publish as it was deemed somewhat controversial. It actually appeared in JASA with discussions from Malay Ghosh, John Keating and Pranab K Sen, Shyamal Das Peddada, C. R. Rao, George Casella and Martin T. Wells, and Colin R. Blyth (with a much stronger wording than in the above letter!, like “What can be said but “It isn’t I, it’s you that are crazy?”). While I had used some of his admissibility results, including the admissibility of the Normal sample average in dimension one, e.g. in my book, I had not realised at the time that Blyth was (a) the first student of Erich Lehmann (b) the originator of [the name] Simpson’s paradox, (c) the scribe for Lehmann’s notes that would eventually lead to Testing Statistical Hypotheses and Theory of Point Estimation, later revised with George Casella. And (d) a keen bagpipe player and scholar.

a Simpson paradox of sorts

Posted in Books, Kids, pictures, R with tags , , , , , , , , , on May 6, 2016 by xi'an

The riddle from The Riddler this week is about finding an undirected graph with N nodes and no isolated node such that the number of nodes with more connections than the average of their neighbours is maximal. A representation of a connected graph is through a matrix X of zeros and ones, on which one can spot the nodes satisfying the above condition as the positive entries of the vector (X1)^2-(X^21), if 1 denotes the vector of ones. I thus wrote an R code aiming at optimising this target

targe <- function(F){

by mere simulated annealing:

rate <- function(N){ 
# generate matrix F
# 1. no single 
for (i in 2:(N-1)){ 
if (sum(F[,i])==0) 
if (sum(F[,N])==0) 
# 2. more connections 
#simulated annealing
for (t in 1:T){
  #1. local proposal
  while (min(prop%*%rep(1,N))==0){
  if (log(runif(1))*temp<target-targo){ 
#2. global proposal 
  prop=F prop[lower.tri(prop)]=F[lower.tri(prop)]+
  if (log(runif(1))*temp<target-targo){

Eward SimpsonThis code returns quite consistently (modulo the simulated annealing uncertainty, which grows with N) the answer N-2 as the number of entries above average! Which is rather surprising in a Simpson-like manner since all entries but two are above average. (Incidentally, I found out that Edward Simpson recently wrote a paper in Significance about the Simpson-Yule paradox and him being a member of the Bletchley Park Enigma team. I must have missed out the connection with the Simpson paradox when reading the paper in the first place…)

paradoxes in scientific inference

Posted in Books, Statistics, University life with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 23, 2012 by xi'an

This CRC Press book was sent to me for review in CHANCE: Paradoxes in Scientific Inference is written by Mark Chang, vice-president of AMAG Pharmaceuticals. The topic of scientific paradoxes is one of my primary interests and I have learned a lot by looking at Lindley-Jeffreys and Savage-Dickey paradoxes. However, I did not find a renewed sense of excitement when reading the book. The very first (and maybe the best!) paradox with Paradoxes in Scientific Inference is that it is a book from the future! Indeed, its copyright year is 2013 (!), although I got it a few months ago. (Not mentioning here the cover mimicking Escher’s “paradoxical” pictures with dices. A sculpture due to Shigeo Fukuda and apparently not quoted in the book. As I do not want to get into another dice cover polemic, I will abstain from further comments!)

Now, getting into a deeper level of criticism (!), I find the book very uneven and overall quite disappointing. (Even missing in its statistical foundations.) Esp. given my initial level of excitement about the topic!

First, there is a tendency to turn everything into a paradox: obviously, when writing a book about paradoxes, everything looks like a paradox! This means bringing into the picture every paradox known to man and then some, i.e., things that are either un-paradoxical (e.g., Gödel’s incompleteness result) or uninteresting in a scientific book (e.g., the birthday paradox, which may be surprising but is far from a paradox!). Fermat’s theorem is also quoted as a paradox, even though there is nothing in the text indicating in which sense it is a paradox. (Or is it because it is simple to express, hard to prove?!) Similarly, Brownian motion is considered a paradox, as “reconcil[ing] the paradox between two of the greatest theories of physics (…): thermodynamics and the kinetic theory of gases” (p.51) For instance, the author considers the MLE being biased to be a paradox (p.117), while omitting the much more substantial “paradox” of the non-existence of unbiased estimators of most parameters—which simply means unbiasedness is irrelevant. Or the other even more puzzling “paradox” that the secondary MLE derived from the likelihood associated with the distribution of a primary MLE may differ from the primary. (My favourite!)

When the null hypothesis is rejected, the p-value is the probability of the type I error.Paradoxes in Scientific Inference (p.105)

The p-value is the conditional probability given H0.” Paradoxes in Scientific Inference (p.106)

Second, the depth of the statistical analysis in the book is often found missing. For instance, Simpson’s paradox is not analysed from a statistical perspective, only reported as a fact. Sticking to statistics, take for instance the discussion of Lindley’s paradox. The author seems to think that the problem is with the different conclusions produced by the frequentist, likelihood, and Bayesian analyses (p.122). This is completely wrong: Lindley’s (or Lindley-Jeffreys‘s) paradox is about the lack of significance of Bayes factors based on improper priors. Similarly, when the likelihood ratio test is introduced, the reference threshold is given as equal to 1 and no mention is later made of compensating for different degrees of freedom/against over-fitting. The discussion about p-values is equally garbled, witness the above quote which (a) conditions upon the rejection and (b) ignores the dependence of the p-value on a realized random variable. Continue reading